Marcus M. Scheunemann

Postdoc who enables autonomous, curiosity-driven behavior generation in robots


  • Fri 26 April 2019
  • misc

Supplementary Material for “Human Perception of Predictive Information in Robots”

These are the supplementary materials for the paper “Intrinsically Motivated Autonomy in Human-Robot Interaction: Human Perception of Predictive Information in Robots” to appear in the proceedings of the 20th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference (TAROS 2019) at Queen Mary University of London from the 3rd to the 5th of July …

  • Sat 22 December 2018
  • misc

Automatically deploy your Pelican website using GitLab

This article describes step by step how to set up jobs with GitLab‘s continuous integration (CI) tools for building and deploying a static website generated with Pelican. The source of the website needs to be hosted (publicly or privately) on GitLab. As an example, this page is the result of the current master. For each change on a remote branch on GitLab, the website gets build as a test. If there is a change on the branch “master”, an additional job deploys the website to an external web server using the file transfer protocol (FTP).

  • Fri 18 December 2015
  • misc


The code is hosted on Gitlab and GitHub. More information in the corresponding publication.